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May 2012 - How to choose a collision repairer

Most people do not have enough car accidents to become experienced with the way the collision repair industry operates. So, how does one select a collision repairer that will ensure quality repairs and service to look after your vehicle?

Like any industry there can be a significant difference in the level of expertise and quality offered amongst collision repairers. Ideally, you want to find a repairer that can offer up to date repair knowledge along with quality workmanship and service. Just as important they need to be equipped to repair your vehicle within manufacturers’ specifications. On the road today there are so many different vehicle models all with variances. And current model vehicles are being manufactured with ever changing materials that require up-to-date technical knowledge for collision repairs.  A quality collision repairer must be equipped with the tools, equipment and expertise required for plastic, aluminum, and high tensile steel repairs just to name a few. If you have a current model car, check if the collision repairer has a waterborne paint system to match the paint on your vehicle. They should have a certified jigging system that ensures your car can be pulled back to the manufactures specifications. Depending on the size of the damage normal measuring systems allow for too many variations and can lack accuracy which can result in a potential safety hazard.

When shopping for a collision repairer, speed of repairs and free courtesy cars should not be a selling point. Lack of quality will remain a constant aggravation long after the inconvenience of a few days delay is forgotten.  Cutting corners on collision repairs will result in flaws, defects, costly re-repairs, diminished value and most importantly the potential for safety hazards. A good collision repairer will not benefit from keeping your vehicle any longer than deemed necessary. A good repair job requires thorough work.

It is important to know that there can be a variance in the quality of insurance recommended repairers. Some repairers are used for their discount costs and fast turn around. Other recommended repairers may specialise in current model and luxury cars. These repairers are best sort for quality work. There are advantages in choosing an insurance recommended repairer as long as you make the choice for yourself. Make it your business to find out who are the best repairers on your insurers recommended list and start there. Repairers who are not recommended often seek 3rd party claims which means they can be paid a premium. They do this by claiming against the ‘at fault’ party. However, this does not necessarily translate to a quality repair job.

Tow trucks are used to steering work to repairers. This steering can supplement their income.  Make it your business to know where you want to go before your even have an accident. Know who your insurer recommends and where you would like to take your car for repairs after a collision.

Things to consider:

  1. Reputation and years in business
  2. Level of equipment
  3. Clean and professional workshop
  4. Quality Assurance endorsed
  5. Drive by and have a look at the quality of cars being repaired in the shop
  6. Recommended Repairer status and endorsements
  7. Specialisation
  8. Workmanship guarantee’s


Collision repairs | Abbotsford | Richmond

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